
For general enquiries, email us or call 0191 584 3094


If you have a specific query, use one of the links below, or click on the name of one of our club officials to contact them directly.


If you would like to join the club and pay via credit/debit card over the phone, please call 07956009140

after 7pm.


The clubs GDPR policy is available for anyone who wishes to view it. For details please call our club Chairman on 0191 584 3094




President: Kevin Leech


Honorary Members:


  • HRH Princess Anne





Chair : Trevor Lewins


Vice Chair: Pauline Huggins


Secretary: Graham Chappell


Treasurer: Peter Huggins


Membership Secretary: Sheila Eastwood



Other National Officials and Contacts


Badges Secretary: Peter Huggins       

Assistant: Graham Chapell


Minutes Secretary: Maggie Stone


Webmaster: Kirsty Payne


Press Officer:


Magazine Editor: Kirsty Payne               


Magazine Advertising: Melvin Turpin



(C) 2019 Reliant Owners Club. All Rights Reserved.


Webmaster Kirsty Payne